
Had I but known it was the last time I would look
Upon your face, into your eyes…
I would have lingered there.

Had I but known it was the last time I would feel
Your very presence, next to mine…
I would not dare have let go.

Yet now, they’re only memories, barely kept
In the recesses of my mind,
Threatening to tell me you never were

As you said, forever mine.
Then you were gone.

Had I but known it was the last time I would breathe
Your very essence, take in your scent…
I would never have exhaled.

Had I but known it was the last time I would taste
Your tender lips, with honeyed kisses…
I could not have pulled away.

Yet now, they’re only demons, taunting me
Within the dreams of restless sleep,
Making me believe you have returned

To be, forever mine.
Then you are gone.

Had I but known it was the last time I would hear
Your words so tender, full of love…
I would have blocked all else out.

Had I but known it was the last time I could sense
The bond between us, sworn eternal…
I would have prayed for its recapture.

Yet now, they’re almost gone, departing me
As if you never were, or did not care,
Beseeching me, forget the love we shared.

An empty space, forever mine –
For you are gone.

© 2012 Jody Love

Recesses. Published in World Poetry Movement (compiler), Great Poets Across America: A Celebration of National Poetry Month. ISBN: 978-1-61936-035-8.

(Author’s note: I’m sure the loss of someone we love, under whatever circumstance, resonates deep within our souls. I term it “the without within.” As 9-1-1 poignantly calls upon us again today to remember loss in conglomeration, it amplifies that empty space for many, individually and as a nation – and even as a world desperately in need of love, forgiveness, and understanding.)

My Playground Trilogy

It’s been a weekend full of events, both of the positive and the negative sort. That being said, it’s nice to have a few moments to take a quick break from “the real world” to relax and contemplate the Trifextra challenge. My overtaxed brain appreciated this relaxing little walk down memory lane…

“This weekend we’re asking you to harken back to your grade school days and write a haiku.  No word restrictions, just stick to the structure as defined below.

HAIKU (noun) : an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively”

– See more at:”

Interestingly, the last haiku I’ve written as of late was part of the Ligo Haibun challenge, where “The First Kiss” was a sweet memory from my primary school days. My mind immediately went back to that school when I read this challenge and, more specifically, to our sprawling playground area in front of it – and my favorite three recess activities.

I decided that, without word restrictions, these 3 activities could contribute perfectly to making a Trifecta-style trio of haiku.

Double Dutch rope skip:
Who will I marry today?
Recess reception.

I’m head and heels over
one I called for Red Rover.
I’ll let him break through!

Merry-go-round’s gone;
shared laughter long forgotten;
dizzied by passed time.

Let Peace Wash Over Me

Peace. I earnestly searched for it, but it wholly could not be found. I located tattered shreds of it lying all around. I went out to the street pass and begged for any left. I found that I was merely wasting my fragmented breath. No one seems to have any extra bits to spare. Either that’s the case, or they simply will not share.

Piece. I gleaned one today and brushed it off clean. Held onto it tightly to protect its bright sheen. But the more tightly I grasped it, the more deeply it pained – as it dug in my flimsy flesh, my palm left blood-stained. Letting loose of that piece of peace, I let it pass me by. No more need to ponder it; no time left to cry.

Peace, why just one piece of you could not I bear to bare? Why? Oh why?

my peace has all dried
should peace flow like a river
might I bathe before I die



The Ligo Haibun Challenge topic this week is PEACE.

Trust me when I say I nearly passed this one by, as I wasn’t finding mine this week. Then, this morning, I had an epiphany. Wait! That’s it! I can write about not finding peace. (It was actually like one of those V8 commercials, so maybe it was more like a ridiculous moment than an epiphany.) Okay, forgive my silliness – it’s a side effect. Seriously, I’m guessing most of us can relate to those moments in life when we feel we’ve lost our peace and perhaps that it’s not coming back. For some poor, unfortunate souls, it may never be found. I hope my haiku sums up the desperation the narrator is feeling for you.

A couple of form notes: I wrote the prose section in a rhythmic structure, not only because I’m participating in NaPoWriMo this month (writing poetry every day during April), but because that’s how it began to flow when I awoke this morning. (Writing poetry every day for nearly a month apparently has that side effect too.) The haiku I’m offering is in a less traditional format (not being in the more traditional 5-7-5, 17 syllabic form that the English language has more often adopted); rather taking on a hybrid-haiku-tanka structure that lands in 5-7-7 rhythm.

Peace to you & yours, -jody

Whistful Farewell


You were a soft, whispery breeze
Blowing gently on my life;
Rising up…

But for the briefest of moments,
You billowed through –

Warm with the tenderness of your kind heart’s touch;
Cool with the refreshing welcome of a friend.
Even now I try to convince myself
Your presence I’ll feel no more.

Yet here in the place where I stand,
Among the rustling branches
Of all who embraced your being,
You still sway.

You tease the tendrils of loved ones’ hair,
Administering your sweet breathy kisses;
And caress today’s rain-filled clouds,
Stirring dew from our sorrowful souls.

© 2011 Jody Love


Whistful farewell. Published in World Poetry Movement. Stars in our Hearts. Park City, UT: Eber & Wein.

(Author’s note:  I penned this in free verse in July 2011 to honor a precious friend whose passing into eternity came very quickly after she received a diagnosis of adult leukemia. Publishing it became a way to be triumphant over grief by sharing my sorrow with others who might have a need to relate. And, yes, when publishing, I chose to purposefully ‘mis’-spell ‘Whistful’ to achieve that whispery wind effect for the reader. I only wish all my mishaps in life were so easily explained.) ;p

The poem is a reprint from my 4th ever blog post, dated 9/9/12. The photo is one I took this past week.

Carpe Diem Haiku: Gemini (the twins)

conjoined in mischief
one another’s yin and yang

gemstone flashes hot and cold
romancing the stone

romancing the stone
can open pit of despair
or be peachy keen

Who arrives today?
Just what time of day is it?
Your guess – good as mine!

© 2013 jody love


During the first part of the month of April, Carpe Diem’s prompts focus on The Zodiac. The April 1st prompt was simply on The Zodiac, in general. April 4th’s prompt takes us 3 positions into the Zodiac to – Gemini (the twins).

I’ve had 3 strong Gemini men in my life, all in very different generational, but extremely close, important relationship roles (father, husband, son). My final stanza (below the image) sums up the experience quite well. Is it any wonder I’ve had to guard my sanity so closely?


Story of Taurus: A Full of Bull Tale Told in Haiku

Gentle, frightened eyes
survey ’round the enclosed ring,
ignorant of fate.

Caped bully struts in;
unanticipated foe.
No sitting bull, he.

Unforeseen battle
is called down upon my head.
Toro moves in time.

Tied tongue or bullocks,
Madman has no time to doze;
takes care where he steps.

Cheers rain like bullion.
All take stock in victory.
Who will crash today?

Final moments come.
Bowing to El Matador –
Crowd demands a kill.

“Bull—oney,” I snort.
If but one leaves this duel,
my swords strike with might.

© 2013 jody love


During the first part of the month of April, Carpe Diem’s prompts focus on The Zodiac. The April 1st prompt was simply on The Zodiac, in general. April 3rd’s prompt takes us beyond Aries to the next position in the Zodiac – Taurus, the bull (Zodiac 2). I hope you enjoy the various ways in which I’ve tried to depict the bull in our society, beyond his Dance with El Matador. How many references can you target (like a bullseye)?


I’ve worked in a double challenge on this one, also adding in Trifecta’s April Fool’s Day prompt for the week:

rain (transitive verb)
1: to pour down
2: to give or administer abundantly <rained blows on his head>

Please remember:

  • Your response must be between 33 and 333 words.
  • You must use the 3rd definition of the given word in your post.
  • The word itself needs to be included in your response.
  • You may not use a variation of the word; it needs to be exactly as stated above.
  • Only one entry per writer.
  • If your post doesn’t meet our requirements, please leave your link in the comments section, not in the linkz.
  • Trifecta is open to everyone. Please join us.



Carpe Diem Haiku: Aries (Zodiac 1)

Pardon, will you please?
You won’t hear that from Aries!
Butting heads with all.

This mountain he claims,
Reserved for the fierce and strong.
Ram-Tough, Viking-Proud.


© 2013 jody love


During the first part of the month of April, Carpe Diem’s prompts focus on The Zodiac. The April 1st prompt was simply on The Zodiac, in general. April 2nd’s prompt take us to Numero Uno position in the Zodiac – Aries, the ram. Who better to depict that spirit than the Norseman (Northman/Viking) Warrior, who wore the same headgear and often placed the Ram on the ship’s prow?


Carpe Diem Haiku: Tanpopo (Dandelion)

My wish was torn loose
Floating away from my grasp
Carried by the wind…

Photo located at:

Photo located at:

A delight in youth.
Devilish in midlife years.
What’s to come of us?


Loosed by wind stirring
While firmly rooted in place.
Who’s to understand?


Carpe Diem’s haiku challenges us this month to explore classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords).
March 29’s prompt celebrates the beginning of Spring with: Tanpopo (Dandelion).

I was first inspired by my memories of holding a ripened, white crested wish-filled dandy-lion as a child.

Then I was captured by the comparison of the memories that might be evoked between a dandelion’s life as compared to mankind’s.

And then I found myself contemplating on this weedy, curious little flower until I found myself traveling through its rooted system…while thinking on this specific day.

To be perfectly honest, I’m intrigued by the simple magic of the dandelion (which translates as “lion’s tooth”).

  • The floral meaning of the dandelion is meant to be a gift to a loved one that will provide happiness and a promise of total faithfulness.
  • I’m sure it’s the first gift I’ve ever been given by any child as an expression of affection. The pudgy little hands that plucked it, the unsteady little legs that wobbled to get it to me, the sparkling delight of the eyes as it was presented for my delightful gratitude — all give this perfect gift in such a simple, yet extraordinary, fashion.
  • I can recall its explosive power as a child – the power that drew me to run to grasp the stem of a ripened dandelion, so I could send my wishes a thousand directions out from me into a vast world of possibilities.
  • I recall my disappointment in learning that adults do not appreciate the lovely yellow gifting of these sweet, tiny bits of sunshine sprinkled into an otherwise boringly manicured lawn.
  • Yet, I’ve learned, their temporal daintiness is deceptive. They are persistent in their existence, spreading established deep roots and eternal seeding among us.
  • Despite our offenses against them, they continue to extend healing properties to us.

So I can’t imagine a more appropriate day to honor the dandelion than today, Good Friday, the day in which I must stop in faith and honor my Lord & Savior who continues to extend that same healing property to me, despite my offenses against Him. Everything about this day – representing His crucifixion, His body’s burial in a tomb – seem to represent the end of His good among us. Where child-like eyes and ears delighted in His gift, grown-up hearts saw Him as a nuisance in their world – a pest, a weed that needed to be removed. Where he came to sprinkle sunshine among them, they preferred their manicured earth they thought they could manage just fine on their own.

Despite our most horrible offenses, we will yet find His deeply established roots and eternal seeding among us. The (dandy) Lion of Judah is yet to rise come Easter morn to bring the ultimate gift of love to us, His joy with a promise of total faithfulness. Lord, let me see you anew with child-like eyes and a heart filled with childish delight. Let my faith be loosed by your spirit’s wind, wherever it chooses to blow.

Carpe Diem Haiku: Oborozuki (hazy moon)

English: Moon

English: Moon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pesach’s Full Moon

clouded by sorrow
cognizant of future fate
tonight’s feast prepared


Carpe Diem’s haiku challenges us this month to explore classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords).
March 27′s prompt celebrates the beginning of Spring with: Oborozuki (hazy moon).

Mine is written today in honor of The Last Supper, as my faith is in the midst of our Holy Week, heading toward our Easter celebration.