Carpe Diem#966 – Passing of Spring

My submission today is in response to the Carpe Diem prompt: passing of spring.
Chèvrefeuille invites all to “Share your haiga with us all here at our Haiku Kai. Have fun!”

Spring passed


Passing of Spring Haiku

Tulips bow their heads
Green leaves sway in reverence
Spring’s new dawn has passed

Ode to the Fellow in Yellow

When considering what season we’re now in, I first thought of the Power of Pollination.
(It’s been so cold this year, that’s the only way we can recognize Spring.)

Then I remembered…
Prom season is preparing to pompously parade upon us.

Just to prove that Pollen isn’t the only thing that comes in yellow this time of year…
I thought I’d share this great prom photo of one of my colleagues and her date
from a few years past.

(When I put out a call for old prom pics – of which I, myself, never went –
Lori was the only one to respond, God bless her!
I thought I’d bless her – and her date, Tim – with an ode to their tropical evening of days past.)

Ode to the Fellow in Yellow

Mellow is the fellow who dares to wear yellow,
Ne’er to be mistook for a scoundrel in the bordello,
Nor a violent man of passion, such as was that guy, Othello.
Though he might often be a comic as that jokester was, Costello…
He plays his women smooth and strong, as if he were a cello.


My good friend, Lori – and her prom date, Tim
(who, btw, did give me permission to post these cute pics)

Easter Eggs-travaganza Endowments

I’ve received a couple of pre-Easter eggstra surprises this past week that I thought I’d share in my brief eggscape from the evil grasp of Chapter V of my dissertation. (Speaking of eggs…Chapter IV may have fried my brain, but Chapter V is working to scramble it.)

My oldest son returned from a fun break with one of his buds out in Colorado. When I got home from work a few days ago, I had some almond-covered egg-like surprises waiting for me, all in need of taste-testing.


Then, this morning, when I went to water my fern (still well before daylight, as I perilously teetered on my lawn furniture to do so), I received quite the startle – when a mama bird nearly flew right into my face. She was probably madder than a wet, er, sparrow – um, robin? Not sure, except I was thankful she was not a blue jay or a mocking bird – or a hawk, come to think of it. Point being, she got the worst of the startle, as she flew off to fluff her doused feathers.

I knew what her overnight presence in that fern signaled. So while she was away, I carefully lowered it onto the deck for a closer inspection. I’ll bet you already know what I found. Considering the nest still looks cozy and dry, that confirms my suspicions about Mama Bird getting the brunt of my shower of insults. Bet those baby birds will never even appreciate her for it, either – until they one day have their own little eggs, keeping them captive & from going to the potty. Isn’t that pretty much what it means to be a mom?


The point of this messy message? Spring is here! I hope you’re getting eggs-cited for Easter to arrive! -j


Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Pics from my Very Short Spring

Despite the exceptionally wintry spring, here are a few representative pics of what has been Springing up around this time of year for me (sometimes with just a quick snap of my i-phone when something strikes my fancy, like my son playing baseball or the goslings at my work – and in all cases purely unedited, due to current time constraints).

Today’s quick post is in response to Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge on The Season of Spring.

Be sure to follow the link above to check out Cee’s lovely pics (as she’s much more the photographer – I’m just the picture taker), as well as many other beautiful representations.

Carpe Diem #181, Storyteller

I drew close to heed
a master storyteller
did not trust his tales

someone ground this hog
reports unreliable
go clean out his cage


Wrote this haiku set for Carpe Diem today. (I decided I’d just use the groundhog as my scapegoat, since I’m convinced Spring actually never came at all for us this year! You can view the full version of my storytelling on this at Groundhog Apocalypse.)

Related Articles:

Groundhog Apocalypse (

March-ing in like a Lion (

Carpe Diem Haiku: Tanpopo (Dandelion)

My wish was torn loose
Floating away from my grasp
Carried by the wind…

Photo located at:

Photo located at:

A delight in youth.
Devilish in midlife years.
What’s to come of us?


Loosed by wind stirring
While firmly rooted in place.
Who’s to understand?


Carpe Diem’s haiku challenges us this month to explore classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords).
March 29’s prompt celebrates the beginning of Spring with: Tanpopo (Dandelion).

I was first inspired by my memories of holding a ripened, white crested wish-filled dandy-lion as a child.

Then I was captured by the comparison of the memories that might be evoked between a dandelion’s life as compared to mankind’s.

And then I found myself contemplating on this weedy, curious little flower until I found myself traveling through its rooted system…while thinking on this specific day.

To be perfectly honest, I’m intrigued by the simple magic of the dandelion (which translates as “lion’s tooth”).

  • The floral meaning of the dandelion is meant to be a gift to a loved one that will provide happiness and a promise of total faithfulness.
  • I’m sure it’s the first gift I’ve ever been given by any child as an expression of affection. The pudgy little hands that plucked it, the unsteady little legs that wobbled to get it to me, the sparkling delight of the eyes as it was presented for my delightful gratitude — all give this perfect gift in such a simple, yet extraordinary, fashion.
  • I can recall its explosive power as a child – the power that drew me to run to grasp the stem of a ripened dandelion, so I could send my wishes a thousand directions out from me into a vast world of possibilities.
  • I recall my disappointment in learning that adults do not appreciate the lovely yellow gifting of these sweet, tiny bits of sunshine sprinkled into an otherwise boringly manicured lawn.
  • Yet, I’ve learned, their temporal daintiness is deceptive. They are persistent in their existence, spreading established deep roots and eternal seeding among us.
  • Despite our offenses against them, they continue to extend healing properties to us.

So I can’t imagine a more appropriate day to honor the dandelion than today, Good Friday, the day in which I must stop in faith and honor my Lord & Savior who continues to extend that same healing property to me, despite my offenses against Him. Everything about this day – representing His crucifixion, His body’s burial in a tomb – seem to represent the end of His good among us. Where child-like eyes and ears delighted in His gift, grown-up hearts saw Him as a nuisance in their world – a pest, a weed that needed to be removed. Where he came to sprinkle sunshine among them, they preferred their manicured earth they thought they could manage just fine on their own.

Despite our most horrible offenses, we will yet find His deeply established roots and eternal seeding among us. The (dandy) Lion of Judah is yet to rise come Easter morn to bring the ultimate gift of love to us, His joy with a promise of total faithfulness. Lord, let me see you anew with child-like eyes and a heart filled with childish delight. Let my faith be loosed by your spirit’s wind, wherever it chooses to blow.

Carpe Diem Haiku: Haru Higan (Spring equinox)

Great consternation!
Cast by constellations.
Asterism clear –

Mighty ram appears,
climbing up the stellar trail
of the astral sphere.


Carpe Diem’s haiku challenges us this month to explore classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords).
March 21’s prompt celebrates the beginning of Spring with: Haru Higan (Spring equinox).

As a sidenote, I’ve always liked this day, so much so that I made it the birthday for one of my beloved characters in my novel, At the Water’s Edge. It works well, too, since the book’s setting is Ireland, where the roots of Druidism and Christianity meet in celebration during this season. My Spring Equinox protagonist, Danielle, arrives on the scene with her own golden aura. The symbolism of her birthday is actually meant to bridge the gap between Wil’s sometimes calm/sometimes raging water-loving Pisces personality and Wey’s sometimes fiery, always earthy Aries attitude. Danielle’s arrival also denotes the disturbance of their own private equinox, providing all the glorious nuances that springtime brings!

Wild Weekly Photo Challenge: Spring!

Early Spring is full of contrasts. From Empty Nests…


…to Not-so-Empty Nests!


From signs of destruction…


…to patchy promises of rebirth.


Ah, the powerful, cleansing renewal of Spring!




These pictures are only a few of the representative ones I was able to capture on two of my most recent early March hikes (except for the last, which was the first buttercup to pop its head up at my house this year, an early February riser – bringing with it my first promise of Spring).


I’m participating in the onlineadventure travel and photography’s Wild Weekly Photo Challenge for bloggers.This week’s Challenge is: Spring!

Carpe Diem #144 Haiku: Yuki no hate (end of snow)

Snow, no longer white;

Dwarfed by spring imaginings.

Warmth rides in with charm.


Carpe Diem’s haiku challenges this month explore classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords). March 14’s is:Yuki no hate (end of snow). I started this week out on a Snow White theme, so it only seems appropriate to see my fairy tale ending through…

Related Link:

Desiring to be Dopey (

The Veil of Usurai (Thin Ice): Carpe Diem #137

Blades scrape icy edge,

cutting like Samurai knives.

Usurai sustains.


Its cover comforts – 

encapsulates my facade.

Too much pain to crack.


Carpe Diem’s haiku challenges this month explore classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords). Today’s was: Usurai, the type of thin ice still lingering as Spring’s warmth tries to break through. I decided to internalize this concept to an inner conflict.